Author archive: Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre

Chief Executive Role

Vacancy For Chief Executive (CE) (Full-time – Permanent role) Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (KRSAC) works for the protection of women, men, and children from all forms of sexual violence and abuse. It primarily supports survivors of sexual abuse and violence through free, confidential, and non-judgmental information, support and counselling. Our service delivery includes:…

Counsellor/Psychotherapist & Sessional (Self – Employed) Counsellor/Psychotherapist

        Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (KRSAC) have the following vacancies: Counsellor/Psychotherapist for 7 hours weekly (one day)                             And A Sessional (Self-employed) Counsellor/Psychotherapist for 5 hrs weekly to work with Male Survivors. Info on the Centre: Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (KRSAC) provides a range of counselling & support …


  Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (KRSAC) are recruiting a Part-time Administrator. KRSAC provides a professional, free counselling & support services to all survivors of all sexual violence.  We are committed to delivering our services with care and professionalism and continue to strive to ensure that we provide the best service for all our…


  Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (KRSAC) are recruiting a Case Manager KRSAC provides a professional, free counselling & support services to all survivors of all sexual violence.  We are committed to delivering our services with care and professionalism and continue to strive to ensure that we provide the best service for all our…

RCNI Ukranian S/V Information

Інформація, якщо ви або хтось із ваших знайомих зазнали сексуального насильства В Ірландії сексуальне насильство є визнаним злочином. Дії сексуального характеру без вашої згоди є злочином. Це включає експлуатацію, коли вас змушують робити те, чого ви не бажаєте. В Ірландії ви можете отримати доступ до: • безкоштовного медичного обслуговування; • незалежної та конфіденційної підтримки від…

RCNI Russian, Ukranian & English SV Posters

Информация, если вы или ваши знакомые подвергались сексуальному насилию В Ирландии сексуальное насилие является признанным преступлением. Сексуальные отношения без получения вашего согласия являются преступлением. Это включает в себя эксплуатацию, когда вас заставляют или принуждают делать то, что вы не желаете. В Ирландии вы можете получить доступ к: • бесплатной медицинской помощи; • независимой и конфиденциальной…

30 th Celebrations

Don’t forget to register https://www.eventbrite.ie/…/krsac-30th-celebration…

Empower Kerry

We are exceptionally proud to be the educational branch of the wonderful Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre based in Tralee. Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre provides professional, free and confidential counselling, information and support. ​KRSAC Education strives to provide high quality education around the prevention of sexual violence in all its forms. We…

Laura’s Headshave

Laura’s Headshave We are asking you to support Laura as she shaves her head. She has chosen to do this as an act of solidarity with all the women who have had so much stripped away from them. All funds raised will go directly to Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre. For every €100 raised…
