
Our Services

  • All survivors can avail of our services
  • Our services are free of charge to client users
  • All of our services are confidential and can be availed of either on an ongoing basis or once-off
  • We provide a safe, therapeutic space for our clients


Alice is one of our counsellors and explains about a group therapy project “Through the Chair” in the video below.



Click on the services below to find out more information >

Our Helpline is often the first point of contact with our centre for a lot of people and we can be reached through our freephone number 1800 633 333. This service is operated by trained volunteers and staff.

The helpline is a confidential support service for on-going clients, their families and friends and for anyone who might like to talk about issues relating to sexual violence or abuse. We can provide information, assistance, emotional support and telephone counselling through our helpline.

Telephone Counselling

Telephone counselling involves speaking with one of our counsellors over the phone at a time that suits you. You can call whenever you feel the need to talk, with no appointment or arrangement in advance

The caller may remain anonymous if they wish and our counsellors will listen in a non-judgemental way and will not criticise your feelings or actions. This is often the first time a person has had the opportunity to talk about the abuse.  It is confidential and safe to talk and you will be listened to and believed.


Face to Face Counselling

We offer crisis one-off sessions, short term and long term counselling for all survivors of rape and sexual abuse.

Counselling is a one to one relationship, which provides support and encouragement to allow someone to talk about the experiences and events which have affected their lives. Our counsellors provide a safe and confidential space to enable people to express their thoughts and feelings so they can help themselves to move forward and gain control of their lives. Our counsellors use a non-directive, non-judgemental approach and we place high emphasis on confidentiality for all our counselling services.


Support Counselling

We provide support counselling for partners, family members or friends who are affected and feel powerless when a family member/friend is raped or assaulted.

The centre can offer information and advice on how they can be a support to the survivor and how to take care and support them self. A disclosure of sexual violence or abuse from a close friend or family member can be quite a shock. You might want to help but you are not quite sure what is the ‘right thing’ to do or say, sometimes the most supportive thing you can do is to simply listen.

We can provide support, information and advice over the phone or we can arrange for you to come into the centre to speak face-to-face with a counsellor. To avail of any of this service please call 1800 633 333.

Our main service is based in Tralee, but our outreach endeavours to meet the needs of victims and their families throughout the county by having a room available that meet our criteria for privacy in Killarney. For more information please contact us on 1800 633 333


We can arrange for one of our trained volunteers or counsellors to accompany a person to court and support them through the whole process.

They will provide emotional support and explain court procedures and legal terminologies for you.

Staff at the Centre can make referrals to or liaise with other agencies and services on behalf of clients. We can also assist, support and accompany clients to Health Services, Garda Stations, and other agencies if needed.


From time to time the Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre receives funding to run support groups for survivors of rape, sexual violence/abuse and childhood sexual abuse. Support groups provide a safe place for survivors to share their stories and support one another. These groups are facilitated by the KRSAC Counsellors.  


Legal Information

Clients often require practical support and information in relation to reporting a sexual assault or abuse case to the Gardai. Our staff will provide information about the procedures involved if you wish to make a formal complaint to the gardai. The Centre will also make arrangements for the client to meet with the gardai at the centre instead of the garda station if they wish.


Medical Information

The centre can also provide information on medical issues and accompany clients to medicals if they wish. They can provide information on what is involved in a forensic medical examination.

If you have been raped or sexually assaulted, you should seek medical assistance as soon as possible, whether or not you decide to report to the Gardaí. This is important for your own personal health and for forensic examination if you decide to report the crime.


Personal Health 
Sexual assault or rape can cause bruising, tearing or lacerations. You may have internal injuries in the vagina or anus which require skilled medical help. You may need access to emergency contraception and be tested for sexually transmitted infections so that the appropriate treatment can be prescribed.


Forensic Evidence
If you decide to report a rape to the Gardaí, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination, in order to collect forensic evidence, which will then be used to support your case.


Safety Awareness Youth Information Training (SAY IT)

SAFETY AWARENESS YOUTH INFORMATION TRAINING provides young people with age appropriate information and an opportunity to explore issues relating to sexual violence in a safe environment with experienced facilitators.SAYIT provides young people with age appropriate information and an opportunity to explore issues relating to sexual violence in a safe environment with experienced facilitators. Sexual Violence is an issue that concerns everybody. Rape and Sexual Assault are seriously under-reported crimes. The secrecy and stigma that surround sexual violence prevent the victim from telling about their experience or looking for support.

Kristy McFetridge(past) Education Officer/Facilitator here at KRSAC and explains, in the video below, her work with young people.




Information Talks & Training

From time to time we are often asked to give information talks at public events or to community groups.

On request, the centre can provide training/workshops to organisations, groups, or colleges on our services and issues relating to sexual violence and abuse. Training and workshops can be tailored to suit the needs of the group.

Please contact us on 1800 633 333 for more information.

